Monday, February 15, 2010

Spring is Coming

Greetings and Blessings:

Just popping in for another short visit tonight. Cluster migraines and insomnia so do not go together or lend themselves to my making myself very useful or productive.

However, I have been able to put a few spring themed pieces together and wanted to stay on top of at least one thing. I haven't been able to do my blog-a-day as I had planned this year, but I have been able to stay on top of or be ahead of my 365-a-year goal, which is one new creation per day:

Spring will soon be upon us all and not a minute too soon can this cold, wet known as rain, slushy and white stuff called snow go away:

Think spring and stay as warm and toasty as you can while riding out the harsh winter:

Blessed Be.

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