Friday, January 2, 2009

Making good wine out of sour grapes!!

Well all I can say is thank goodness today is Friday. I am sooooo ready to just have a slow weekend with time to create new jewelry and spend time with my kids and my hubby. Except my hubby is going skiing with a friend.

At least I know while the kids are occupied with the Wii my husband's parents gave them for Christmas, I will be able to clean my house up, do the laundry, and make some pretty stuff. I am also hoping to get in a couple of cat naps as well.

I have not been sleeping well at night and when I can't sleep I get up and read or watch the government televisions shows til I'm bored to sleep. Some nights I will sew and other nights just sit and stare into the dark.

I've had such a total lack of motivation this last two weeks and yet tonight I have already made two pairs of earrings and tried a new style of necklace that I messed up beyond repair lol.

Off to try and make more while on a roll. And maybe I'll even get some sleep tonight.

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