Friday, January 22, 2010


Greetings and Blessings:

The last couple of days I have been busy updating my website and Etsy stores with Valentine's Day items. Also, one of my best friends has updated my blog to give it that special lovey-dovey look. Thanks Mary!!!

Since Valentine's Day is fast approaching, the February giveaway is being posted tonight with the winner drawn the morning of Groundhog's Day, February 2nd. Will that pesky thing see his shadow?? Only time will tell, but we will all find out together when the winner of this giveaway is posted.

Up for grabs this month will be a pair of earrings and a cell phone charm. The exact models of which I am not posting, but they will be similar to the two items below:


Remember, these are only examples as I want the winner to be surprised at what they really win. I have a grab bag of goodies so you may just get more than the posted items :)

The more who enter the merrier, and please if you like what you see in the photos and my shoppe, please consider being my fan on Facebook and passing on the word.

Now, for the entry details:

Simply post a comment on this blog to be entered in the giveaway. PLEASE let me know how to contact you.

Best of luck and as always,

Blessed Be.


  1. I LOVE your new "special lovey-dovey look" Mary did indeed do a great job! I love your work! I've just begun the jewelry making adventure your stuff is a real inspiration to me!! :)

  2. Beautiful pieces. It's always nice to meet a fellow artist!!

